The Hamster's Wheel

Just a flow of my thoughts. A humble attempt to convey the theme that much of life is like a hamster's wheel, not all of our decisions are life-altering. Most of them don't really get us anywhere, but they're just fun.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

So very tired.

It's what, like the third week of class and I've really learned something: I'm in way over my head. Everyone knows that English classes require a lot of reading, except my english advisor, apparently. He talked me into enrolling in all these upper level English classes all at once. Even though my instincts told me to take it easy, I AGAIN made the foolish mistake of listening to my advisor (See below for mistake #1). And now I'm burnt out. So much reading, so much writing, God I can't wait for death. It's gonna be sooo relaxing. In fact my brain is so fried that I did quite possibly the dumbest thing ever last Friday morning. No joke, the following story is completely true. I woke up Friday morning at 8 o'clock. With an hour before my first class, I decided to go get breakfast at Rollins. So I rolled out of bed, put some flip flops on, and staggered up to the dining hall. Still half asleep, I ate breakfast, which was amazing as always, Thanks Rollins, and then came back to my room. My roommate was up and asked, "Where were you?" I said, "Getting breakfast." And he says,"in your boxers?" I was speechless. I looked down to discover that I had on my white undershirt, flip flops, and NO PANTS, just a pair of boxers with little green shamrocks on them. My roommate sees what happened and died laughing. I guess what else can you do, so I started laughing with him. It was a great way to start the day, and I'll be sure to never do it again.

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Thursday, January 26, 2006

What's it all about?

As I'm totally new to blogging, I'm still trying to find some direction with where I want to go with this blog. I like writing about my life because it's cathartic (I think I used that correctly), but then I began to think that nobody gives a damn about my life. But I started posting a kind of "my life" thing on Facebook, in the About Me section and I actually got a considerable response. It seems that I am exactly average in about every way. I get okay grades, but I have to work for them. I like sports, and I play alright but I was never the first one picked for the team. I read every now and then, but I'm in no way a scholar. I've had a few girls in my life, but I'm not what you'd call a player. Kind of funny, kind of nice, kind of smart, just kind of out there. And for that, people relate to me. Of course I've gotten into it with some liberals who just hate on kids that are fine with being ordinary, and some conservative kids have hated on me too, saying that I'm wierd. I just think I'm living a life of a normal college student. Classes, work, parties, friends, it's really not so tough being a middle class white guy. So my direction seems to be drifting into a blog that might be a social commentary on the city of Columbia. Entertaining (I hope), and useful (I hope moreso). Something you can relate to, and think about: The Life and Times of the Average Tiger.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Why my schedule sucks...

My schedule this semester sucks. It really does. It's probably because I didn't register for my classes until the last day before Thanksgiving break. Gee, Steve, why on earth did you wait so long, you ask? One reason: Keisha Duncan. Keisha Duncan is a useless, self-absorbed, seat warmer passing herself unconvincingly off as an advisor in Cornell Hall. I wanted to transfer majors out of business and into english, so I met with "the Dunc" to find out how that is done. When I told her I what I wanted to do, she said it was no problem and dropped me from the business school. She gave me a copy of my transcripts and sent me on my merry way. Little did I know that she had neglected to inform me of a very important document: the Transfer sheet. Here's where it gets messy. I go to register for classes, but I can't because my registration has a Dean's hold. Days go by as I flow through all the channels this school has, trying to figure out how to lift the Dean's Hold. Finally, I get some help when I ask an english advisor specializing in graduate students what I had to do. It was odd to me that this guy had the answers to my problem, since I'm not a graduate student and it's only my second year here. Assuming my old advisor already had me fill out a transfer sheet, this advisor said I had to fill out a Grad Plan because I'll be graduating next year. So he helps me finish my Grad Plan and tells me exactly where to go to turn it in. I rush there to turn it in because it's the day before Thanksgiving break and the person who takes them is about to go home for the day. I'm told I can't turn it in because I'm not in the system. I'm not in the system because I never properly transferred into the department i.e. I never filled out a transfer sheet. Then I'm told the deadline for transfer sheets had passed two days earlier. It boils down to this:
I can't register for classes because I have a Dean's hold...
which can't be lifted until I turn in my Grad Plan...
which I can't turn in until I fill out a tranfer sheet...
which I can't fill out because I waited too long and the deadline had passed...
which is because Keisha Duncan, for all her vast skills in the fast-paced world of advising, neglected to inform me of the existence of such a document!
The Grad Plan office pretty much told me, "GAME OVER. YOU LOSE." Oh, I don't think so. With fire in my eyes, I storm over to Cornell Hall to settle this vendetta I've just conjured up in my heart. I walked into Keisha Duncan's office and told her what's up. Big K tries to give me the run-around by telling me that the english department is in charge of me now. "Ha! I don't think so. I'm still in the business school, because you never had me fill out the transfer sheet, so you're still my advisor! Now just lift the Dean's hold and I'll leave." Then she tries the old "there's nothing I can do" approach. My response: "You better hope there is because I'm not leaving until you lift the Dean's hold." That one took her off guard. We sat there in silence for a few seemingly endless seconds, and then she got up and left. She came back a couple minutes later with another woman and a file. Keisha says, "Look, don't try and pin this on me because I got the file of everything that was said the day you met with me." I'm like, "Good! Read the file, because nowhere in it will there be anything said about a transfer sheet. And I'm not here to turn in my transfer sheet, I'll do that next semester. I'm here to get the Dean's Hold lifted so I can get my classes. Just give me what I want!" She reads the file, and the other woman, who I assume was her boss or something, sees that the incredibly knowledgeable and totally competent Miss Keisha, had indeed screwed me over big time. The woman tells Keisha to click on my name and hit F9 and Enter. She says, "Okay, the Dean's Hold is gone. Sorry for the trouble." F9 AND ENTER??!!?? That's all you had to do? I was so disgusted by the whole ordeal I just got up and left. I couldn't say anything because I think I was in shock. And so now you now, friends, why my schedule sucks. It was a long and frustrating road, but hey, it got some good laughs from my friends later on. So it was totally worth it!

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Thursday, January 19, 2006

First post

This is the first post.

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