The Hamster's Wheel

Just a flow of my thoughts. A humble attempt to convey the theme that much of life is like a hamster's wheel, not all of our decisions are life-altering. Most of them don't really get us anywhere, but they're just fun.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

So very tired.

It's what, like the third week of class and I've really learned something: I'm in way over my head. Everyone knows that English classes require a lot of reading, except my english advisor, apparently. He talked me into enrolling in all these upper level English classes all at once. Even though my instincts told me to take it easy, I AGAIN made the foolish mistake of listening to my advisor (See below for mistake #1). And now I'm burnt out. So much reading, so much writing, God I can't wait for death. It's gonna be sooo relaxing. In fact my brain is so fried that I did quite possibly the dumbest thing ever last Friday morning. No joke, the following story is completely true. I woke up Friday morning at 8 o'clock. With an hour before my first class, I decided to go get breakfast at Rollins. So I rolled out of bed, put some flip flops on, and staggered up to the dining hall. Still half asleep, I ate breakfast, which was amazing as always, Thanks Rollins, and then came back to my room. My roommate was up and asked, "Where were you?" I said, "Getting breakfast." And he says,"in your boxers?" I was speechless. I looked down to discover that I had on my white undershirt, flip flops, and NO PANTS, just a pair of boxers with little green shamrocks on them. My roommate sees what happened and died laughing. I guess what else can you do, so I started laughing with him. It was a great way to start the day, and I'll be sure to never do it again.


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