The Hamster's Wheel

Just a flow of my thoughts. A humble attempt to convey the theme that much of life is like a hamster's wheel, not all of our decisions are life-altering. Most of them don't really get us anywhere, but they're just fun.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The SWEETest 8 bucks I ever made

The best 8 bucks I've ever made: After a good solid night of drinking, last Saturday, or technically Sunday, at like 4:30 in the morning, 7 friends and I decided to go to the Diner on Broadway. First of all, that place kicks ass. It's small and loud, and they have business hours of Midnight to 6 A.M. on weekends. They have literally forgone normal customers and cater directly to drunk college kids. They serve breakfast food any time, and it's really cheap! We walk in at this ungodly hour and the place is packed! I definately recommend the Diner to everyone when your party dies and you're not quite ready to go home. Anyway, I got a burger and hash browns, which DEFINATELY hits the spot when you're sobering up. Then when the bill comes, one of my friends offers to pay for my meal if I chug the bottle of maple syrup on our table. As a side note, here's an interesting fact about me: I have morals and principles, but immediately throw them away when money is offered. Basically, my dignity is for sale. So obviously, I threw that whole bottle back and chugged that shit. It was a lot harder than I thought, being so thick and slow going down. But I finished it, to the cheers of both my friends and strangers alike. After that, I got a MAJOR sugar rush. And our waitress was less than amused. I was up for another 2 hours just on sugar, and then in 10 minutes I just CRASHED. It was like I ran out of fuel and just shut down. I woke up the next day with all of my clothes on, sitting in a chair at a computer. There it is, the best 8 bucks I ever made.


At 1:09 PM, Blogger Donna said...

All I can say is: you have quite the unpredictable life. One day you're chugging pancake syrup, the next day you're wiping up a river of blood. A hamster wheel is kind of like a windmill: doesn't go anywhere. Maybe you need to rethink your metaphor? ;-)


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