Getting the digits
A couple of weeks ago, I was at a party. It was a prett big party, and I had stolen a cup for the keg, as always, and I went upstairs to see a pretty blonde girl sitting on a couch alone. Surely, she must be waiting for someone to come back, I thought, there's an open spot RIGHT next to her. But I'm not one to pass on opportunity, so I took the seat. We started talking, at first just the polite crap. You know, the name, go to school at Mizzou?, what year are you?, just the normal stuff to get it out of the way. We keep talking and she's cool. She laughs at my jokes and seems genuinely interested in what I have to say, and she has a lot to say herself. At one point, she says "I like you. Let me give you my number before I get too drunk and forget." And she writes her number on my arm. I'm totally pumped. Really, I thought it might be going somewhere. Well it might have, until she said something like, "you said you're a second year, right?" I'm like, yeah. She says, "So a sophomore?" And I say, "well I just say second year so there's no confusion, because you know those losers who are like, I'm a sophomore, but really they are freshman just a sophomore by credits?" so she's like, "Ohhh, you're like a junior by credits?" and I say, "yeah, but whatever." I'm trying to dismiss it, as to try and be a little humble about it. Because it's really not a big deal at all anyway. But she says, "Ohhh, so you're a big smarty, aren't ya?" "No, it's nothing really." And she asks, "What's the capital of Norway?" "Oslo," I answer, just coincidentally I actually know European capitals really well. She's like, "Oh my God, that's the only capital I know and you just knew it off the top of your head???" "I guess," I said and just laughed. Then what she says next reveals the true ditz that has been subtley hinted at all night. What she says next totally turns me off and makes me want to get the hell out of there. She stops and thinks and then says:
"That's cool that you're smart because......being smart is cool."
In my head: "That's cool that you're smart because being smart is cool? Are you kidding me? Wow, that might be the least insightful thing anyone's ever had to stop and think about. Jesus, that was really dumb. Crap, now I've got her number on my arm, and she's waiting for me to say something. I gotta get the hell outta here. Think, Steve!"
So I pull out the best of my mental ability, and in my infinite cleverness and finesse, I said, "I'll be right back." And I got out of the house and did not look back. And I never saw that beautiful bimbo ever again. (KNOCK ON WOOD)
but then howd she know huh? ;)
Ouch, that's harsh, man. Do you think maybe the alcohol could have reduced her verbal powers? Maybe she was intimidated or found you all the more attractive, and got so nervous she couldn't form a sentence. Whatever it was, I bet she realized what happened when you never came back, and I can almost guarantee she feels like a total dumbass now. Unless you are completely convinced that she's a total space cadet.
But I think you could at least call her and tell her you're not interested. Or give her a second shot... You really never know. She may never give her number out again.
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