The Hamster's Wheel

Just a flow of my thoughts. A humble attempt to convey the theme that much of life is like a hamster's wheel, not all of our decisions are life-altering. Most of them don't really get us anywhere, but they're just fun.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Dude, my roommate is Han Solo

I had a great roommate first semester. His name is Dale Ley. Dale is nice and funny, and he will always help you whenever he can. Not much of a party-goer, but an all-around cool guy. As he turned 21 last semester (which was awesome for me as you can guess why), he figured it was way past time to move out of the dorms. So he moved into an apartment this semester and over Christmas break I could only wonder who would be the new kid to live with me. Well the semester came and my new roommate is named Alex. It's kind of eerie, but of all the hundred of kids applying for new dorms, I got a kid from my high school's rival and he knows like all my friends! But Alex is cool. He has this attitude about him that's kind of arrogant, kind of laid back, kind of a bad ass. It reminded me so much of someone but for the first couple weeks I couldn't put my finger on it. Then one day it just hit me. My roommate is Han Solo. If you don't know who I'm talking about check out this on Wikipedia. I admit, I'm a Star Wars fan, (not quite geek enough to know all aspects of Star Wars, but I've seen the movies like a schmillion times) so when I say he's like Han Solo, this guy is DEFINATELY like Han Solo. First of all, he has a girlfriend, and most of the time he talks to her like he doesn't even like her. But really, he just doesn't put up with her girly drama crap. But then, for seemingly no reason at all, he'll go and do something so charming she'll just melt. If that ain't Han Solo, I don't know what is. And then he's got an arrogance about him. Not so bad that it repulses people, but rather draws others in, kind of like, "Who is this guy that he knows he's the shit?" And of course, he doesn't disappoint. He's totally laid back, he has like tests coming up on him, and he's like, "eh, I know it enough," and he's right. He passes with flying colors. He's the cool guy at parties but not the center of attention, my roommate IS Han Solo. Also, just by coincidence, in all honesty, (not that I'm proud of this, and sorry girls but you might be grossed out) but I'm probably one of the hairiest guys you'll ever meet! Just like Han's wingman, Chewbacca! It's so cool! I've already gotten us into some sticky situations (of which I'm sure to write about later in this blog) and he sticks by me every step of the way. Steve and Alex, Han and Chewie: the adventures await us.


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